The Tube of Light


The "Tube of Light"  is one of the principal forms of divine protection that the Ascended Master Saint Germain recommends his students to use.


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The following is an excerpt about the "Tube of Light" from a spiritual biography that I'm writing about my spiritual teacher, Pearl Dorris.  I hope you find it helpful and inspiring. - Bill Gaum


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 The Tube of Light


The Fire of Forgiveness is also an excellent way to melt away the discordant energy which we may have absorbed or “taken on” from various people, places, experiences, or situations.  But it is even better to protect ourselves from taking on these difficult energies in the first place.  How can we do this?  Pearl urged us to use “the Tube of Light.”  Not only is it a marvelous means of natural divine protection, it is easy to use, and it becomes ever more powerful with each use.  All we have to do is: 1) Visualize a pillar of White Light coming down from our Higher Self - our I AM Presence and surrounding us for ten or twenty or so feet, (or whatever distance feels comfortable), and visualize it continuing on down into the earth (see the illustration of the I AM Presence in the article on the "I AM Presence" for a helpful visual example); 2) Affirm something similar to: “I AM the Presence of the Tube of Light invincibly protecting me at all times,” while feeling and accepting its reality in our hearts; and then 3) Call to an Ascended Being to amplify the call we have just made by saying something like: “I AM the Presence of the Great Divine Director amplifying this call.”  Using the “Tube of Light” is also an excellent way to help protect ourselves from the discordant energies which may be deliberately projected toward us from the astral-psychic realm.  More about the dangers of the psychic realm can be found in the article entitled "John's Story".


For People Who Are Sensitive to Negative Energies:


For some people who are spiritually sensitive to negative energies, just using the Tube of Light may not be sufficient protection - it will help, but might not give complete protection.  For those people, it's important to not only use the Tube of Light, but to also do their utmost to avoid difficult or discordant people, as well as areas and activities of low or discordant vibration.  And of course it's helpful to use the Violet Flame after exposure to these situations.  Naturally, if the difficult person is member of your own family or household, you may not be able to avoid them, but perhaps you can diplomatically leave the room or house when they are angry.   Also, you might want to avoid "bear hugs" with strangers.  When we are giving a "bear hugs" we are solar plexus to solar plexus (belly button to belly button) with the other person, and that allows the negative, discordant energy in the other person to flow out of their solar plexus and right into ours.  So if it's possible, it's usually better to just shake people's hands or do whatever alternative is appropriate in your culture.  A kind, graceful and safe way of greeting people is using the Hindu "Namaskar" or "Namaste" where we give a slight bow, while putting our hands together, palm to palm, with our fingers pointing upwards, while holding our thumbs close to the chest.  Usually when using this gesture we simultaneously say "Namaste" which means "the divine within me, bows to the divine within you."


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