How To Find Meaning and Purpose
in Our Lives
By Cheryl
It is important that each of us create our own unique meaning and purpose in life. When we accomplish something in our lives which is special to us, then our life has purpose and becomes meaningful. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Focus on Positive Happy Things: Start by asking yourself: What do I love to do? What is my passion? What gives me the most joy in my life? How do I want to spend the rest of my life? Do I love to help others? And so on . . . Then jot down your ideas, select the most important ones and use them to set goals. Make sure your list is reasonable and attainable so that you can achieve what you set out to do without becoming overwhelmed and giving up. It's helpful to set little daily goals that are attainable, so that you can have the confidence-building satisfaction of achieving them. Then, by taking baby steps, you gradually achieve them. Then you can build up to bigger and better goals as you go along. Keep your lists, goals, and timetable flexible so that you can adjust
to changing circumstances without disappointment. They can be adjusted as you see fit; and as you achieve the smaller goals, you can modify the larger ones based on your growing wisdom. As your wonderful life unfolds be sure to approach life with enthusiasm, have respect for others, and choose nurturing, positive values of life - especially loving kindness. These will give you an additional sense of purpose and bring meaning to your life. And in this way you will obtain a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.
- Compassionately, Earnestly and Enthusiastically put your heart, soul, spirit, mind and body into your goals and everything that you do. In this way your life will have more meaning and purpose, because you will know that you are being the best you can be, and doing the best that you can do. Just knowing this will give you a greater sense of pride and satisfaction which in turn adds to your sense of purpose and brings increased meaning to your life.

- Giving Back: By "giving back" or volunteering (even in small ways) to our own community or to the larger world, we will not only help those in need, but we will also find more meaning and purpose in our lives. We simply feel good about ourselves. In short, we feel loved and needed when we're helping others and it gives us a real sense of purpose and satisfaction.
- Balancing Work and Play: Remember it is your life, so focus in on those things in your home life and career that make you happy. Do what you love to do or at least find a compromise that is acceptable. Find a job that will bring you a decent income and that is worthy of your time, or change it to something you can do that is rewarding. Then make sure your home life and recreational time gives you the enjoyment and happiness that you deserve.
- Reflection and Assessment: Also, remember to examine your day-to-day routines and schedules in a positive way. Do what needs to be done as best you can and then move on to something new. While it is important to assess the situations in your life, it is also important not to over-think them and become a worrier. Remember we all want to do our best, but it's crucial not to beat ourselves up for not being perfect. No one's perfect. Don’t be afraid to experience life and enjoy the journey even though you may sometimes make mistakes. If you stumble or fall, then get up, brush yourself off and try again or try something new. Don’t dwell on the negative, let it go. These are valuable life lessons that will give our lives meaning and purpose. And by learning from them we can take the appropriate actions to create happier and healthier lives both at home and at work.
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Please click here for more insights on understanding life's
purpose from a universal perspective: "What is the Purpose of Life?"
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